JSSEAS Journal Peer Review Guidelines
1. Objective
The Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies has a peer review program, run by theEditorial Committee, to maintain the high academic standard of the society’s journal, Southeast Asia: History and Culture, at a suitable level for an academic journal.
2. Material Subject to Peer Review
Of manuscripts submitted, or contributed in response to a request, to the journal Southeast Asia: History and Culture, those to be published in the categories of treatise, research material, book review/introduction, and research vision are subject to peer review.
3. Referees
In principle, for each manuscript review the Editorial Committee selects two referees and requests them to review the manuscript. The names of the reviewers are not disclosed.
4. Review Process
The referees assess the manuscript against the criteria listed in Article 7, judge the piece, and determine into which category to place it. When asking the author to revise the manuscript, the referees shall provide specific remarks regarding the corrections. They shall present their review results to the Editorial Committee by the due date.
5. Acceptance of Manuscript
After fully investigating the review results, the Editorial Committee shall determine whether or not to accept the manuscript and will swiftly inform the manuscript contributor of the results.
6. Revision to Manuscript
If requested by the referees, the manuscript contributor shall correct the manuscript and send it back to the Editorial Committee by the due date. If the manuscript was judged to be publishable on condition that the author makes corrections, the Editorial Committee shall check that the manuscript has been appropriately corrected according to the judgment and then determine acceptance of the manuscript. If the manuscript was judged to require additional reviewing after revision, the Editorial Committee shall request the referees for another peer review.
7. Review Criteria
The referees shall assess the manuscript, judge the piece, and determine into which category to place it, with the following criteria in mind.
A. Content assessment
1) contributes to academic research on Southeast Asian histories and cultures,
2) provides correct Information,
3) presents a judicious discussion,
These guidelines shall be revised or repealed upon approval by the Board of Directors.
4) treats reference material and literature appropriately, and
5) presents a suitable abstract and keywords in line with the content.
B. Expression and style assessment
Whether the manuscript:
1) bears a suitable title in light of the discussed content,
2) presents clear and readable syntactic expressions,
3) is structured appropriately with suitable headings,
4) handles figures and tables appropriately, and
5) adheres to the correct style of presenting a list of references.
C. Acceptance judgment
1) Publishable (the manuscript is publishable as it is)
2) Publishable with some corrections (the manuscript requires only technical and trivial corrections; no additional review required)
3) Additional review required after correction (the manuscript requires rewriting to some suitable extent; an additional review required)
4) Not publishable (the referees are required to present substantial reasons in the assessment and remarks)
These guidelines shall be revised or repealed upon approval by the Board of Directors.
9. Supplementary Provisions
These guidelines take effect on November 30, 2008.