JABSEAS: The Japanese Bibliography of Southeast Asian Studies
The Japanese Bibliography of Southeast Asian Studies (JABSEAS) contains the bibliographical information of materials (books ,journal articles, and articles in books) on Southeast Asia, that have been published in Japan since 1975. Most of the materials are written in Japanese. A comprehensive search for works on Southeast Asia in the fields ranging from history, anthropology, area studies, political studies, economics, sociology, and linguistics to literature is possible. Works of the natural sciences, however, are excluded. The database is based on the bibliography that appears in “Southeast Asia: History and Culture” published annually by the Japan Society for Southeast Asian History.
This database was first created in 2001 under the 1999-2000 Grant-in-Aid for the Publication of Scientific Research Results from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. All rights reserved by the Japan Society for Southeast Asian History.
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