




東京会議 (Tokyo Session)Date: May 21, 2022 (Saturday)
Opening Plenary Session (10:00-10:25 a.m.)

SAITŌ Akira 斎藤明, President of the Tōhō Gakkai

Congratulatory Message from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

哲理と自然――六朝山水詩の成立 (Philosophy and Nature: The Formation of Six Dynasties
Landscape Poetry)

Chairperson: KOMINAMI Ichirō 小南一郎, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by KOMINAMI Ichirō

10:40−11:20 SATAKE Yasuko 佐竹保子 (Japan): 玄言詩と山水詩における「哲理」と「情」 (“Philosophy”
and “Emotion” in Metaphysical Poetry and Landscape Poetry) (in Japanese)

11:20−12:00 SAITŌ Mareshi 斎藤希史 (Japan): 遐想と山水――東晋期を中心に (Reverie and Nature:
With a Focus on the Eastern Chin) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:00—13:40 KOMINAMI Ichirō 小南一郎 (Japan): 陶淵明は南山に何を見ていたのか (What Did T‘ao
Yüan-ming See on South Mountain?) (in Japanese)

13:40−14:20 DŌZONO Yoshiko堂薗淑子 (Japan):
山水と「一悟」のあいだ――慧遠らによる「遊廬山」「遊石門」詩と謝霊運の山水詩 (Nature and Enlighten-ment: The
Poems “An Outing to Mount Lu” and “An Outing to Stone Gate” by Hui-yüan and
Others and Hsieh Ling-yün’s Landscape Poetry) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:30−15:10 NAKANISHI Hisami 中西久味 (Japan): 山水詩の出現と仏教の受容をめぐって (On the
Emergence of Landscape Poetry and the Reception of Buddhism) (in Japanese)

15:10−15:50 MURATA Mio 村田みお (Japan): 六朝期の仏教図像と山水画における霊性とイメージ (Numinosity
and Image in Buddhist Painting and Landscape Painting of the Six Dynasties)
(in Japanese)

16:00−17:00 Discussion
LIU Yuan-ju 劉苑如 (Taiwan): 中国における六朝山水詩研究の現況と課題――台湾、香港、シンガポールを中心に (Research
on Six Dynasties Landscape Poetry in China: Focusing on Taiwan, Hong Kong,
and Singapore) (in Chinese)

近世東アジアにおけるさまざまな「儒教化」とジェンダー規範 (Various Forms of “Confucianization” and
Gender Norms in Early Modern East Asia)

Organizers: KOHAMA Masako 小浜正子, Professor at Nihon University, & MOMOKI
Shirō 桃木至朗, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University

10:40−11:10 Introductory Remarks by KOHAMA Masako

11:10−11:50 SASAKI Megumi 佐々木愛 (Japan): 儒教社会とは何か――近世東アジア各国の比較のために (What is
Confucian Society? Towards a Comparison of East Asian Countries in the
Early Modern Period) (in Japanese)
11:50−12:30 TOYOSHIMA Yuka 豊島悠果 (Japan): 近世朝鮮の「儒教化」と家族 (“Confucianization”
in Early Modern Korea and the Family) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:30−14:10 YOSHIDA Yuriko 吉田ゆり子 (Japan): 近世日本の「儒教化」と家族 (“Confucianization”
in Early Modern Japan and the Family) (in Japanese)

14:10−14:50 JO Ho-yeon 趙浩衍
(Korea):近世ベトナムの家族・親族と「儒教化」――ベトナム家譜から見る儒教化と村落・ジェンダー秩序 (The Family, Kinship,
and “Confucianization” in Early Modern Vietnam: Confucian-ization and
Village and Gender Order as Seen in Vietnamese Genealogies) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

15:00−15:20 Comment: WANG Xiaolin 王小林, Associate Professor at City
University of Hong Kong

15:20−16:30 Discussion
Chairpersons: KOHAMA Masako & MOMOKI Shirō

東アジア比較古文書学の可能性 (The Possibilities of Comparative East Asian Diplomatics)

Chairperson: MARUYAMA Yumiko 丸山裕美子, Professor at Aichi Prefectural

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by MARUYAMA Yumiko

10:40−11:15 SAKAUE Yasutoshi 坂上康俊 (Japan): 唐公式令条文排列の復原――「牒」の規定を中心に
(Restoring the Arrangement of Articles in T‘ang Statutes on Official
Correspondence: With a Focus on Provisions Regarding the Tieh) (in Japanese)

11:15−11:50 AKAGI Takatoshi 赤木崇敏 (Japan): 唐~元代の漢文公文書の様式とその変遷 (The General
Format of Chinese-language Official Documents from the T‘ang to Yüan
Periods and Changes in Their Format) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:10−14:00 CHEN Liping 陳麗萍 (China): 追根溯源:敦煌張氏族源再探究――以BD15411+P.2625號為中心
(Delving into the Origins of the Chang Clan of Tun-huang: A Match in
BD15411 + P. 2625) (in Chinese)

Japanese translation by CHEN Ruiyao陳睿垚, Doctoral Student at Aichi
Prefectural University

14:00−14:35 KAWAJIRI Akio 川尻秋生 (Japan): 宣旨と綸旨 (Imperial Edicts: Senji and
Rinji) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:50−15:25 TESHIMA Daisuke 手嶋大侑 (Japan): 平安時代の任符について (On Warrants of
Appointment in the Heian Period) (in Japanese)

15:25−16:00 KOJIMA Michihiro 小島道裕 (Japan): 有印文書における押印位置の問題をめぐって (On
Questions about the Position of Seals on Documents) (in Japanese)

16:05−17:00 Discussion
Comment: KOJIMA Hiroyuki 小島浩之, Lecturer at the University of Tokyo

漢晋変革の考古学的研究 (Archaeological Research on the Han-Chin Transition)

Chairperson: OKAMURA Hidenori 岡村秀典, Professor at the Institute for Research
in Humanities, Kyoto University

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by OKAMURA Hidenori

10:40−11:20 ZHANG Xuefeng 張学鋒 (China): 東アジアにおける“中世的都城” (“Medi-eval Capital
Cities” in East Asia) (in Japanese)

11:20−12:00 ZHU Yanshi 朱岩石 (China): 漢晋間における新しい宮城プランの確立と成熟 (The
Establishment and Maturation of New Plans for Palaces in the Han-Chin
Period) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:00−13:30 MUKAI Yūsuke 向井佑介 (Japan): 漢晋の墓制変革――近年発見の曹魏大型墓をめぐる諸問題 (Changes
in the Burial System from the Han to Chin Periods: Questions Concerning
Large Tombs of the Ts‘ao Wei Discovered in Recent Years) (in Japanese)

13:30−14:00 MORISHITA Shōji 森下章司 (Japan): 曹操高陵・洛陽西朱村曹魏墓出土石牌の性格 (The
Character of Stone Tablets Unearthed at Ts‘ao Ts‘ao’s Mausoleum and the
Ts‘ao Wei Tomb at Hsi-chu-ts‘un in Lo-yang) (in Japanese)

14:00 −14:30 OKAMURA Hidenori 岡村秀典 (Japan): 漢晋間における車制の変容 (The
Transformation of Rules for Chariots and Carriages in the Han-Chin Period)
(in Japanese)

14:30 −15:00 KOBAYASHI Satoshi 小林聡 (Japan): 漢晋間における服制の展開――朝服制度の伝播を中心に
(Developments in Dress Regulations in the Han-Chin Period: With a Focus on
the Spread of the System of Court Dress) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

15:20 −17:00 Discussion
Comment: SAGAWA Eiji 佐川英治, Professor at the University of Tokyo, & ICHIMOTO
Rui 市元塁, Curator of Asian Archaeology, Tokyo National Museum


仏教思想は甦るか――バウッダコーシャ・プロジェクトを総括する (Will Buddhist Thought Be Reborn? A
Summing-up of the Bauddhakośa Project)

Chairperson: SAITŌ Akira 斎藤明, Professor at International College for
Postgraduate Buddhist Studies

10:30−10:40 Introductory Remarks by SAITŌ Akira

10:40−11:10 SAITŌ Akira斎藤明 (Japan): 仏典の漢訳とチベット語訳をめぐって (On Chinese and
Tibetan Translations of Buddhist Texts) (in Japanese)

11:10−11:40 KAWASAKI Yutaka 河﨑豊 (Japan): ブッダゴーサの著作に至るパーリ文献の五位七十五法対応語
(Equivalents of the Seventy-five Elements in Pāli Texts up to the Works of
Buddhaghosa) (in Japanese)

11:40−12:10 MUROJI Yoshihito 室寺義仁 (Japan):「ブッダの心(大悲)と修行者の心」(The Buddha’s
Mind (Great Compassion) and the Practitioner’s Mind) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:10−13:40 TAKAHASHI Kōichi 髙橋晃一 (Japan): バウッダコーシャ――多言語辞書とTEIの辞書モジュール
(Bauddhakośa: Multilingual Dictionaries and the Dictionary Modules of the
Text Encoding Initiative) (in Japanese)

13:40−14:10 ISSHIKI Daigo 一色大悟 (Japan):「五位七十五法研究史」(The History of Research
on the Seventy-five Elements) (in Japanese)

14:10−14:40 MIYAZAKI Izumi 宮崎泉 (Japan): 『中観五蘊論』における法の分類と定義 (The
Classification and Definition of Elements in the *Madhyamakapañcaskandhaka)
(in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:50−15:20 YOKOYAMA Takeshi 横山剛 (Japan): 法の体系が担う役割と機能をめぐって――『中観五蘊論』に基づく考察
(On the Role and Functions of Systems of Elements: Observations Based on
the *Madhyamakapañcaskandhaka) (in Japanese)

15:20−16:30 パネルディスカッション――仏教術語の異なる現代語訳例をめぐって (Panel Discussion on Different
Translations of Particular Terms)

16:30−17:00 Discussion


美術史部会 (Asian Art History)

Chairpersons: ITAKURA Masaaki 板倉聖哲, Professor at the University of Tokyo
NEDACHI Kensuke 根立研介, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University

10:40−11:10 MAEDA Kana 前田佳那 (Japan):
北宋前期開封における燕文貴山水の形成――大阪市立美術館所蔵「江山楼観図巻」を中心に (The Establishment of Yen
Wen-kuei’s Landscape Style in the Capital City of K‘ai-feng in the Early
Northern Sung: With a Focus on Pavilions by Rivers and Mountains (Osaka
City Museum of Fine Arts)) (in Japanese)

11:20−11:50 KIM Gina 金池娜 (China): 旧満洲における新日本画のコード――機械美・労働・科学技術のイメージを中心に
(Rationalizing Nihonga: Images of Machines, Labor, and Technology for
Visualizing the Industrial State of Manchukuo (1932–1945)) (in Japanese)

Lunch Time

13:20−13:50 Haely CHANG (Korea):
写真と筆の間に咲いた天下名山――徳田兄弟の金剛山写真集と絵画から見る写真時代の近代山水画 (Famous Mountains Captured in
Photographs and Paintings: Modern Landscape Painting in an Age of
Photography as Seen in the Photographs and Paintings of Mount Kŭmgang by
the Tokuda Brothers) (in Japanese)

14:00−14:30 HU Haoran 胡皓然 (China): 河南省水泉石窟の研究 (A Study of the Shui-ch‘üan
Caves in Ho-nan Province) (in Japanese)

Coffee Break

14:50−15:20 WANG Shu 王姝 (China): 東魏北斉の「樹下思惟」像に見られる宝冠と着衣形式について (On the
Styles of the Crowns and Garments Seen in Eastern Wei and Northern Ch‘i
Images of a Pensive Figure Beneath Two Trees) (in Japanese)

15:30−16:00 ZHANG Mengying 張夢穎 (China):
中国における禅文化の文人文化に対する芸術表現上の影響――「枯木」からの一考察 (The Influence of Ch‘an Culture on
Artistic Expression in the Literati Culture of China: With Reference to
“Dead Trees”) (in Japanese)

16:10−16:40 SANO Midori 佐野みどり (Japan): 大画面説話画の物語る構造――在地性を巡って (The Structure
Told by Large Narrative Paintings: On Local Character) (in Japanese) (要旨)


Date: May 28, 2021 (Saturday)
オンライン開催 (Online)

Opening Address (10:30-10:40)
AKAMATSU Akihiko 赤松明彦, Representative of the Kyoto Branch of the Tōhō Gakkai

Lectures (10:40-12:50)
10:40−11:40 Erika FORTE (Italy): The Eight Protectors in Tun-huang: The
Khotanese Kingdom’s Avatars in a Chinese Visual Context
(敦煌石窟におけるコータン王国の八守護神の図像について) (in English)

11:50−12:50 INAMOTO Yasuo 稲本泰生 (Japan):
ボードガヤー出土漢文石刻史料の意義と10-11世紀における中国仏教美術の動向 (The Significance of Chinese
Inscriptions Unearthed at Bodh Gayā and Trends in Chinese Buddhist Art in
the 10th to 11th Centuries) (in Japanese)

The two guest speakers will be introduced to the audience by Profs. OKAMURA
Hidenori 岡村秀典, Professor at the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto
University, and NEDACHI Kensuke 根立研介, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto
University, respectively.

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