Charlson OngさんとDede Oetomoさんのセミナー案内(2月4日・於:京都大学)

2月4日に、フィリピンの華人作家であるCharlson Ongさんと、
インドネシアのアクティビスト、Dede Oetomoさんをお招きし、





You are cordially invited to a Special Seminar on

*The Chinese Filipino as Creative Writer/The Chinese Indonesian as

with Charlson Ong and Dédé Oetomo

on February 4, 2020, Tuesday, 13:30-18:00

at the Big-Sized Room, Fourth Floor, University Library (Main Library),
Kyoto University

(no. 18 on this access map:

Two of the most prominent Sino-Southeast Asian intellectuals from Indonesia
and the Philippines, Dédé Oetomo and Charlson Ong, trace their
biographical, intellectual, activist, and artistic trajectories and discuss
their respective views and advocacies on behalf of the ethnic Chinese in
their countries and Southeast Asia more generally. They also tackle the
issues and challenges that ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia are confronting
in the wake of the rise of Mainland China, the political, economic, and
cultural implications of such a rise, and the ongoing transformation of the
regional system.

Discussants: Miyabara Gyo (Osaka University), Iqra Anugrah (Kyoto
University), Okamoto Masaaki (Kyoto University)

Moderators: Kitamura Yumi (Kyoto University) and Caroline Hau (Kyoto

*This special seminar is funded by the **Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science KAKENHI Grant Number 15KK0118. *

* About the speakers:*

*Charlson Ong* has published four collections of short fiction and three
novels, including *An Embarrassment of Riches*, *Banyaga: A Song of War*,
and *Blue/Angel White Shadow*. He has won the Philippine National Book
Award, the Philippine Centennial Literary Award, the Gawad Balagtas
(Lifetime Achievement Award) from the Writers’ Union of the Philippines,
the Southeast Asia (SEA) Write Award from Thailand, and a Filipino Academy
of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (FAMAS) Award for Best Adapted
Screenplay for “Tanabata’s Wife,” a film he wrote and co-directed. He
teaches Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines.

*Dédé Oetomo* is Adjunct Lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Economics,
Universitas Surabaya; Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Faculty
of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga; and the Postgraduate Program,
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya. He is a scholar, educator and
activist in research, education and advocacy in the fields of language and
society, HIV & AIDS and sexuality, mainly at GAYa NUSANTARA Foundation ( and APCOM Foundation ( and the
Coalition for Sexual & Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR; He finished his doctorandus in English language
teaching at the Surabaya and Malang Teachers Colleges (1975, 1978) and his
Master’s and Doctorate in linguistics and Southeast Asian studies at
Cornell University (1982, 1984).


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