

講演者は同国の教育問題を専門にする University College London (UCL) 教授の Marie Lall 氏です。セミナーはすべて英語で行われます(通訳なし)。テーマにご関心のある方はどなたでも参加できます(事前登録不要)。ぜひおいでください。







The right to learn: Problems of education in the present Myanmar/Burma


Professor Marie Lall

University College London (UCL), Institute of Education


The public lecture will review the state of education in Burma/ Myanmar over the past decade and a half as the country has been undergoing a profound, albeit still incomplete transformation. It will start by introducing Myanmar’s education systems – government, private, monastic and ethnic schools. Drawing on a decade and a half of fieldwork across the country, the lecture will discuss both the problems in this sector as well as the reforms that promise solutions. The education reforms are particularly important, as over the past seven decades, education has served as a ‘litmus test’ for judging the level of openness of any Myanmar government. The talk therefore situates the state of Myanmar’s education sector today within the context of the wider reforms and the peace process that started in 2012, as well as the elections that are to take place in 2020.

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