

本セミナーでは、Driyarkara School of Philosophy (Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara)の学長である、Simon Petrus Lili Tjahjadiさんをお招きし、ジャカルタ日本軍政期インドネシアのキリスト教に関するTjahjadiさんの近著であるSurviving the Dai Nippon: A History of the Catholic Church in Indonesia during the Japanese Occupation (1942-1945)についてお話いただきます。17年にわたってインドネシアにて布教のご経験がある木村公一さん(福岡国際教会)のコメントとあわせ、貴重な機会ですので、ぜひご参加下さい。

日時:        2018年10月29日(月)15:00-17:30
場所:        京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所 稲盛財団記念館 3階小会議室1
主催: 「東南アジア研究の国際共同研究拠点」共同研究「インドネシアにおける宗教による平和と共生の模索」【野中葉代表(慶應義塾大学)】

During the Japanese Occupation the Indonesian Church went through a severe crisis. Nearly all the foreign missionaries were taken to prison camps. Bishop Aerts of Maluku-Papua and his 12 brothers were shot without preceding investigation. Japanese atrocity accounted for the death of 281 missionaries during the occupation. The only Indonesian bishop, 19 native priests, 60 brothers and 206 sisters were allowed to carry on.

The Japanese had two Japanese bishops and seven priests as “religious unit for peace” (shūkyō senbuhan yōin) come over from Japan, as they had also some Islamic religious leaders come over for the Moslems. Through this religious unit the Japanese hoped to strengthen their influences on the Church for the benefit of the Japanese cause. But that was not exactly a success, because the Japanese clergy did not comply with the wishes of Japanese authorities, but worked for the Indonesian Church, together with the foreign missionaries and Indonesian priests.

During those years many Catholics and non-Catholics must have seen clearly that being a Catholic is not identical with being a Westerner. Not only the Indonesian clergy in Java went on working and propagating faith as before, but now the Japanese clergy worked and preached exactly as did Indonesians and had been done by foreign missionaries (Dutch).

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