
下記のとおり、「白山人類学研究会」2019年度第3回定例研究会をおこないます。今回はインドネシア国立ハルオレオ大学のBenny Baskaraさんに東インドネシアのバジョにおけるイスラーム動態について話題提供していただきます。研究会への事前の参加登録は不要です。皆さまの参加を歓迎いたします。要旨は下記の英語版をみてください。*研究会終了後、懇親会をおこないます。

場所:東洋大学白山キャンパス8号館3階 8305教室

Hakusan Anthropological Society, Toyo University cordially invites you to a monthly seminar. This time we welcome Bapak Benny Baskara from Indonesia who delivers a talk on the Religious Dynamics among the Bajo in Southeast Sulawesi.

Date: July 29th (Mon.), 2019 18:15-20:00
Venue: Room 8305 on the third floor of Building No. 8, Toyo University

The Expansion of Tabligh Jama’ah and its Influence on the Religious Belief of Bajo People

Dr. Benny Baskara(Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia/ Visiting Scholar, Center for Southeast Asian Studie, Kyoto University/ 京都大学東南アジア研究所客員研究員)

Makibi Nakano (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto Univiersity/ 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)

Tabligh Jama’ah is a sect of Islam originating in India which has rapidly spread and developed in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. The spread of the Tabligh Jama’ah in Indonesia even already reach remote areas to indigenous people and marginalized ethnic groups, which one of them is the Bajo people. Therefore, this paper wants to analyze the expansion of Tabligh Jama’ah movement to the Bajo people and its impact to their religious belief.
The Bajo people are the most distantly dispersed and widespread indigenous ethnic group in Southeast Asia, known widely as “sea people” because of their marine based livelihoods. Because of their fluid identity and vast mobility, their socio-cultural sphere is characterized by syncretism and symbiosis. This is true also for Bajo religious belief, which developed as a form of syncretism and symbiosis between their indigenous beliefs and Islamic belief.

The impact of the Bajo people’s acceptance to the Tabligh Jamaah’s teaching mainly is the change in their religious belief, which is more predominantly by Tabligh Jamaah’s teachings, and the syncretism and symbiosis in their indigenous belief is no longer appear. The life of the Bajo people also becomes more fatalists because of the influence from the Tabligh Jamaah’s teachings.

Keywords: Tabligh Jama’ah, Bajo, Indonesia

Prof. Kazufumi Nagatsu, Toyo University

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