

日時:2019年10月21日(月)18:15~20:00場所:東洋大学白山キャンパス8号館3階 8305教室http://www.toyo.ac.jp/ja-JP/about/access/hakusan/l
◇発表題目Not for Sale: Artistic Reaction to Overdevelopment of Bali Tourism
◇発表者Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra (Faculty of Literature and Culture, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia)

◇要旨  The Indonesian Government has set a five-year target of receiving 20 million international visitors by 2019, half of whom are expected to arrive on the small island of Bali. While there has been a lot of public concern over the overdevelopment of the tourism industry in Bali, this new target for Bali to attract 10 million tourists adds to the growing negative reactions by community members toward tourism in particular, and to development in general. The controversial project of land reclamation in Tanjung Benoa Bay, near the Bali airport, has triggered much protest and opposition. Among other means, such concerns are expressed through artistic art installations, popularly known as ‘Bali not for sale’.  This presentation discusses the recent popular movement ‘Bali not for sale’ as a critical reaction towards tourism development in Bali. It discusses the background of the reaction, artists involved, and its significance to UNESCO’s inscription of “Cultural Landscape of Bali Province” as a World Heritage Site. The paper argues that this movement can be seen to reflect two themes of opposition to development: on one hand it echoes a negative attitude towards acceleration of the transformation of agricultural land into tourism related facilities, hence a call for a halt of the environmental exploitation of the island of Bali. On the other hand, the movement encourages communities to maintain use of land through agriculture as cultural heritage, not only as a source of income but also to preserve the uniqueness of Bali’s landscape which adds to the aesthetic attractiveness of the island as tourist destination.

–++++白山人類学研究会+++++ 112-8606 東京都文京区白山5-28-20東洋大学社会学部松本誠一研究室内白山人類学研究会2019年度幹事: 箕曲在弘・寺内大左hakusanjinrui[at]gmail.com+++++++++++++++++++++++

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