
科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「グローバル時代におけるハラール基準の標準化と多様性の動態」(代表:大形里美、九州国際大学、課題番号:22H03846)では、Dr. Ayan Utriza YAKIN氏、Dr. Shaheed Tayob氏、Dr. Eva Nisa氏を招聘し、2025年1月11日(土)、第4回国際ワークショップ“Halal Certification Systems in the Global Era: Southeast Asia, Europe, South Africa and India”を開催いたします。ご関心のある方のご参加をお待ち申し上げます。
なお、お申し込みの際にはポスターのQRコードをスキャンし(https://x.gd/nKC40)、google formに必要事項をご記入ください。お申し込みされた方にzoomのリンク先をお知らせいたします。
Dear all,
Our research project will hold the 4th international workshop,“Halal Certification Systems in the Global Era: Southeast Asia, Europe, South Africa and India”.
The purpose of the 4th international workshop is to acquire knowledge about Halal Certification Systems in the Global Era, by inviting prominent speakers who have conducted research in Southeast Asia, Europe, South Africa and India.
Program Schedule of
The 4th International Workshop
January 11th (Saturday), 2025
15:00 – 18:00 JST (13:00 – 16:00 WIB)
Lecture Room 105, Bldg No. 1, Minami-Osawa Campus, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Project Members Only).
Online Webinar (Participants).
Pre-register is required before December 25th. Please scan the QR-code on the poster. If you are not able to scan the QR-code, check the following link (https://x.gd/nKC40). The link for zoom webinar will be sent before the event.
14:40 – 15:00 Zoom Open for Participants
15:00 – 15:05 Opening by MC: Yuji MIZUNO and Members Introduction
15:05 – 15:10 Purpose of This Project: Satomi OHGATA
15:10 – 15:35 Dr. Ayan Utriza Yakin (Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium)
“Stunning and Halal Slaughtering in Europe: Current Situation and Recent Issues”
15:35 – 15:50 Q and A
15:50 – 16:15 Dr. Eva Nisa (The Australian National University, Australia)
“Transnational Halal Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Malaysia and Indonesia in the Islamic Cultural Economy”
16:15 – 16:30 Q and A
16:30 – 16:40 Break
16:40 – 17:05 Dr. Shaheed Tayob (University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa)
“Risk, Halal Standards and Halal Certification System in South Africa and India”
17:05 – 17:20 Q and A
17:20 – 17:55 General Discussion
17:55 – 18:00 Closing
For More Details:
E-mail: kakenhijp22h03846[at mark]gmail.com
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B):“Standardization of Halal Standards and the Dynamics of Diversity in the Global Era”(Project Leader: Satomi OHGATA (Kyushu International University), 22H03846)
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