研究会 The “Cold War” Embedded in Society (12/14)

下記のとおり、12月14日(土)にThe “Cold War” Embedded in Societyをテーマに東南アジア大陸部の冷戦に関する研究会を開催します。ご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください。


〒657-8501 神戸市灘区鶴甲1-2-1 神戸大学大学院国際文化学研究科 E棟4階 大会議室









http://promis.cla.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/seminars_info/2024-12-14/ X



The “Cold War” Embedded in Society

Bridging the Gap between Anthropology and History of Mekong River Basin Societies in the Mainland Southeast Asia



This workshop is an attempt to understand the “Cold War” as an era and an idea within the context of the Mekong River Basin societies of mainland Southeast Asia. Until the end of the twentieth century, the Cold War in mainland Southeast Asia was viewed similarly to the Vietnam War (Second Indochina War), namely as a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as low-intensity conflicts in the surrounding region, or as nationalist conflicts. In contrast to this traditional view of Cold War history, historians and political scientists in the 21st century have begun to focus on various political forces and social movements, as well as individuals in local societies, who manipulated the situation as actors with interests while being at the mercy of external forces during the Cold War period.

However, from the perspective of anthropologists, who strive to understand human activities from within, through an understanding of the value norms embedded in those societies, this approach still appears to place too much emphasis on external factors in its explanation of history. On the other hand, anthropological history relies on fieldwork in specific micro-level societies and has been so focused on internal and present understandings of these societies, that it has failed to examine how oral narratives of the Cold War resonate or conflict with the historical sources created immediately after the events that historians tend to prioritize.

Now, over 30 years after the end of the Cold War, it is necessary for anthropologists with an understanding of history and historians with an understanding of anthropology to reaffirm the existing gap between them and collaboratively consider the “Cold War” as an era and idea embedded in the respective local societies. By establishing a new perspective rooted in the ecological environment of the Mekong River basin, it is possible to examine this without being constrained by existing nation-states or traditional academic regional divisions.


Date and Time:

Saturday, 14th December 2024, 11:00-18:00 (In-person only)


Language: English

Participation fees: Free of charge

Advance registration is required. If you would like to attend, please register in advance below. Registration deadline: December 13 (Fri.) https://forms.gle/z5T6qHudnheY3nFM8



Room DAIKAIGISHITSU, 4th floor, Building E, Tsurukabuto 1st Campus, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, 1-2-1, Tsurukabuto, Nada-ku, Kobe, JAPAN 657-8501

Campus Map: https://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/campus-life/maps/about/

Tsurukabuto 1st Campus Map: https://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/campus-life/maps/tsurukabuto1/)



11:00 Hisashi SHIMOJO (Kobe University): Opening Remarks and the Explanation of the Objectives

11:20 Wen-Chin CHANG (Academia Sinica):

“Scent of Freedom: The life Trajectory of a Soldier”

12:00~13:00 Lunch Break

13:00 Luong Ngoc Tram (Fulbright University Vietnam)

“Desire and the Ethnic “Other”: Social Change, Prostitution, and the Politics of Occupation in 1980s Cambodia”

13:40 Hisashi SHIMOJO (Kobe University)

“Making Intangible Spaces in War: Survival between the Two Forces in the Mekong Delta”

14:20 Nara ODA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

“Decolonizing Medicine in the Cold War: A perspective from South Vietnam”

15:00~15:20 Coffee Break

15:20 Chie SAKURADA (Sophia University)

“Thai Monarchy’s Advertising Strategy under the Cold War”

16:00 Tatsuki KATAOKA (Kyoto University)

“Wild Tea and Exodus: Territorial Governance and the Transformation of Population Structure in Northern Thai Hills in the Cold War Period”

16:40 Sinae HYUN (Sogang University):

“Indigenizing the Asian Cold War History”

17:20~17:50 Discussion

17:50~18:00 Tatsuki KATAOKA (Kyoto University): Closing Remarks

*Presentation: 15-20 minutes, Q&A: 15 minutes




木下記念事業団「河川環境と人との相互作用に関する地域間比較研究」(研究代表者:大石侑香)、科研費基盤研究 (B)「「国家の介入しにくい空間」における秩序の生成―アジア・アフリカの人類学的国家論」(研究代表者:下條尚志)、人間文化研究機構グローバル地域研究推進事業 東ユーラシア研究プロジェクト拠点 神戸大学国際文化学研究推進インスティテュート拠点(EES神戸)

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