Dear all,
The Institute of Asian, African and Middle Eastern Studies (IAAMES) of Sophia University is pleased to announce that the following seminar will be held on September 20th. Anybody interested is welcome to attend.
アニス・バスウェダン氏 講演会
モデレーター 堀場明子(日本財団国際事業部シニアオフィサー)
開会の挨拶 福武慎太郎(上智大学アジア文化研究所/総合グローバル学部教授)
講演タイトル:「民主主義は若者の手の中に:デジタル時代の主導権を握る若者たち」「Democracy in Their Hands: How Youths Seize the Lead in the Digital Era」
概要: アニス・バスウェダン氏(Anies Baswedan)氏は、37歳の時にインドネシア史上最年少で大学の学長(パラマディナ大学)に就任、その後、ジョコ・ウィドド現政権において2014〜16年の約2年間にわたり教育文化大臣を務め、2017~2022年の5年間、インドネシアの首都ジャカルタ特別州知事を務めました。今年2月におこなれた大統領選挙にも有力候補の一人として出馬し、得票率2位で落選しましたが、今なおインドネシアの有力なリーダーの一人として注目を集めています。
Special Lecture “Democracy in Their Hands: How Youths Seize the Lead in the Digital Era” by Dr. Anies Baswedan
Date and Time: Friday, September 20th,2024 18:00-20:00
Venue: Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Building No.10 Auditorium
Dr. Anies Baswedan became the youngest university rector in Indonesia’s history (Paramadina University) at the age of 37. He then served as Minister of Education and Culture for about two years from 2014 to 2016 in the current Joko Widodo administration and served as Governor of Jakarta for five years from 2017 to 2022. He also ran as one of the leading candidates in the presidential election held in February this year but lost with the second highest vote share. However, he still attracts attention as one of Indonesia’s leading leaders.
We will invite Dr. Anies Baswedan, who is currently visiting Japan, to Sophia University, where he studied in a summer program as a university student, to talk about the present and future of political participation among young people who will lead Indonesia’s next generation.
Please register from the link below by September 19.