The Lumad in Mindanao: A Reflection of the Duterte Administration
日 時:2024年10月4日(金)17:10~19:30
Date: 17:10~19:30, October 4 (Fri), 2024
場 所:立教大学 池袋キャンパス 5号館2階 5215教室
Venue: Room 5215 Building No. 5, 2nd floor, Ikebukuro Campus, Rikkyo University
内 容 Outline:
1997年に「先住民族の権利法(Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997: IPRA法)」が制定されてから20年以上が経過した。
More than 20 years have passed since the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997 (IPRA Act) was enacted. The indigenous peoples of Mindanao, collectively known as Lumad, are said to have been violently affected by the anti-Communist guerrilla measures during the Duterte administration. This seminar will provide a brief history of the Lumad struggle for their right to self-determination and how the policies against indigenous peoples under the Duterte administration have affected their struggle.
講 師:アーノルド・アラモン氏(
Lecturer: Prof Arnold Alamon (Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology)
言 語:英語(日本語簡易通訳あり)
Language: English (with brief Japanese translation)
主 催:立教大学アジア地域研究所
Organizer: Center for Asia Area Studies, Rikkyo University
参加申込:必要 https://forms.gle/
Registration: https://forms.gle/