<div id="header"> <h1><a id="top" name="top">東南アジア学会<br />Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies</a></h1> <a href="../index.html"><span></span></a> </div> <h2><cite>SOUTHEAST ASIA: HISTORY AND CULTURE</cite><br />General Table of Contents</h2>
May 30, 2009
A Note on the East-West Corridor Passing through Sukhothai ISHII Yoneo 5
Debt Servitude in the 19th Century Burma: A Study on Human Mortgage Contracts in Salin Region SAITO Teruko 13
Where Will the “ETHNIC LAW” of Vietnam Go?: From the Preservation of “Traditional Culture” to the Control of Ethnic Minorities ITO Masako 46
Thai Women's Sāmaṇerī and Bhikkhunī Ordination in Contemporary Theravāda Buddhism: Overt Rationale and Covert Reality ITO Tomomi 64
Reinterpretation of Ramayana in Indonesian Comic Books: Study of R. A. Kosasih's Work FUKUOKA Madoka 106
Early Colonization Policy in Colonial Lampung and Javanese Settlers: From 1905 to the 1920s FUJITA Eri 141
Clove Cigarette Industry in Netherlands India during the Great Depression: Reaction to the Tobacco Tax AKASAKI Yuichi 168
Affaire de Ukañâ Râjâ Mupti” in 1914 KITAGAWA Takako 187
[Latest Research Trend]
Hoards Unearthed in Northern Vietnam: As Evidence of Contemporary Monetary Flow in the Middle and the Modern Ages MIYAKE Toshihiko and KIKUCHI Seiichi 209
[Book Reviews]
SHINE Toshihiko, History of Resettlement Policy for Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam YOSHIMOTO Yasuko 222
NAKANO Satoshi, American Empire as Historical Experiences: Figures in US-Philippine Relations NAGANO Yoshiko 226
MOMOKI Shiro, ed., An Introduction to Maritime Asian History, c. 800-1850: A Bibliographic Survey IKUTA Shigeru 230
Leonard Blusse, transl. by Fukami Sumio, Fujita Kayoko, Koike Makoto, Tribuut aan China: Vier eeuwen Nederlands-Chinese betrekkingen TORII Yumiko 235
Bibliography of Southeast Asian Studies (Nov. 2007—Oct. 2008) 177